Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Weekly Wellness Note #2 - You Need Omega-3's NOW

Before we look into this week's information about the importance of Omega 3 Fatty Acids, here's a quick little grocery shopping tip I decided to add based on my most recent trip to the store:

Deceptive marketing tactics are rampant in grocery stores and if you're interested in improving your eating habits, it's critical that you look past the cover of the food and look at the ingredients. Always check the label when you see things like:

"All Natural" "No Trans Fat" and "Made with Organic ingredients"

Instead, look at the ingredients label and make sure your DOESN'T have:
"High Fructose Corn Syrup" "hydrogenated oil (any kind, doesn't matter)"

if you're looking to buy organic food make sure it has the "USDA Organic" label on it

Just do it for fun one day and notice how many boxes that say "natural" have high fructose corn syrup and other preservatives in it. And how many boxes that say "No Trans fat" have hydrogenated oils in it.

High Fructose Corn Syrup and Trans Fat WILL make you FAT, SICK, and will lead to chronic disease in the long term. You can quote me on that. More on this another week.

Why You Need Omega 3's in your Diet now

Many of you have probably heard about Omega 3 Fatty Acids, and how they're good fat that can help prevent heart disease. While this is true, if you're not getting Omega 3's into your diet because you're not worried about heart disease, you are definately missing the boat on this CRITICAL nutrient.

Disorders such as ADHD, Alzheimers, Depression, Autoimmunity, goes on and on have been linked to Omega 3 deficiency. It is also a key factor in regulating inflammation and clotting of the blood. Your brain and nervous system are the most important organ and organ system in your body, and it NEEDS omega 3's to function properly. Just like your muscle cells need protein, your brain cells, your neurons use omega 3's as their building blocks. Unfortunately, the Western diet is completely deficient in this valuable nutrient and hence the rise in these neurological diseases. Instead of using Omega 3 fats to make your cells, it ends up using trans fats and saturated fats to compensate, and the cells cannot function the way they should.

Now it's important to make the distinction that you probably wouldn''t use the supplement to treat a disease (though research has shown promise in treating ADHD). It all goes back to living a life of wellness. When you put in the materials that your body was designed to use, your body won't break down, and the disease becomes a NON FACTOR.

You're not likely to get the Omega 3's that your body needs from food alone, so it's important that you supplement it in your diet with a pure source. A $20 bottle of Omega 3 fish oils is a small price to live without these diseases that can cost you hundreds of thousands on top of your life. Here are tips to make sure you get the right kind:

- Ideally, you should get the liquid form as it is used and absorbed most efficiently in your body
- Make sure your bottle says EPA and DHA as the source of fatty acids.

For more information on Omega 3's check out the following links:

As always

Be Well and Stay Adjusted,

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