Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Project H2O

For a lot of people that read this, they probably won't be surprised at all, but here's my latest attempt to make the world a better place.

So this quarter at Life, I'm working on a little something called Project H2O. If you do a little research, you come to realize that access to clean fresh water is an enormous problem around the world. Between dysentery from contaminated water, dehydration from no water, and wars fought to claim water, limited H2O is responsible for illness and death of hundreds of millions around the world.

And to be honest...I'm a little tired of my standard door to door asking people to donate to an abstract cause and purpose. I want a self-sustaining product, where people can give money, and they get a product they want and need...but with a message.

So we came on this concept: sell water to people to bring water to the rest of the world. And yeah, I'm sure you guys will be like "Ethos does that", and yeah you're right. Ethos does sell a $2 bottle of water and donates $0.05 of it.

I'm going to do better than that. We're gonna sell water for $1, and donate $0.25 - $.50 from each bottle. How? Because we make zero profit. Everything gets donated.

We've already raised a few thousand dollars and ordered our first shipment of 2000 bottles of water, and we are going to get this thing all over Atlanta over the next year. But we aren't stopping there. Our orders are going to continue to grow and we will continue to spread to wherever this ride will take us. We're taking this non-profit, and we're branding the Project H2O name, so when you see this next to Zephyrhills and Dasani one day, you can pick up our bottle and help save the world.

So why am I writing this?

To toot my own horn? C'mon you know me better than that.

I need your help to spread the word and if you're feeling bold, selling water too. Get back to me if you have any comments or you're intrested in helping.

Cause "You must be the change you wish to see in the world"


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