Sunday, June 3, 2007

Weekly Wellness Note #11 - Getting Your Head Right

Warning: Hilarious but Not in the slightest bit tasteful

Doesn't it just feel great to laugh?

Well keep laughing it up, because science has consistently shown that laughter, hope, and a positive mental attitude are all linked to improved healing, longer lives, and prevention of diseases.

And this isn't just some feel good mumbo jumbo that you get from an after school special. You are a PHYSIOLOGICALLY different person depending on your mental attitude.

Negativity, worrying, and sadness all evoke a STRESS response from your body. This puts tons of adrenaline, insulin, cortisol, and other chemicals that are there to break your body down. And if you check out my previous notes, we all know about how dangerous stress can be in your life.

The exact mechanisms for how laughing and positive emotions affect your life aren't known yet, but some believe that they release endorphins to shut off your stress response, release chemicals that open your blood vessels and lower blood pressure, etc.

You don't need to be a scientist to figure out how positive emotions, just look at some of the anecdotal evidence in life.
- Sense of humor is consistently an attractive factor to the opposite sex.
- Positive people make more money and are more effective leaders (Who wants a Debbie Downer running their company?)
- The man that overcame cancer with laughter
- Sad and stressed out people are always sick
- The placebo effect is based on giving a patient hope that the treatment works, when it's really their body that heals itself (This will be a different note). The placebo is NOT a bad thing.

Now some will say that people don't have control over what happens in their lives, and you know what, that's true. However, you do have control over how you react to those things in your life.

A study done on groups that either won the lottery or suffered a paralyzing injury found something incredible. The levels of happiness before the incident and 1 year after the incident were the SAME. Happiness is relative! Adjust your mindset!

It is so important to be right mentally and emotionally if you want physical health. There is a double-edge sword when it comes to diagnosis. It's good in that it gives your doctors knowledge on what they need to do. However, some people get sucked into their disease and continually perpetuate it and block their own healing! Don't be one of these people, embrace you body's ability to heal itself!

Tips on living happily and healthy:
- Surround yourself with people that make you happy. You become your surroundings, if you aren't smiling and laughing with the people around you, change your surroundings. Your life will change completely when you're around the right people.
- Put negative incidences in the proper context. Accept that it's happened, and take charge with steps to make your life better.
- Laughter, laughter, laughter. Read funny websites, watch funny movies, go see a comedy. The chemicals released during laughter are as powerful as any drug on the market without the dangerous side effects!
- If you're stressed out, you MUST make time for yourself to do activities you enjoy. Preferably, these things should be active as sedentary activities tend reduce mood. Exercise time, dance time, movie time with friends, go out to dinner, get a massage
- Live with a purpose.

This is SOOOOOO important guys. Your brain controls everything in your body, so does it make sense that if your brain is not working properly, that your body will stop working properly?

Take control of your health by regaining control of your mental attitude, your life will change.

Be Well and stay adjusted,


PS - To show how much I believe in the power of laughter and happiness, from now on, I'll be posting a humor clip with every wellness note.

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